Sunday, February 19, 2017

Walking By Faith

This widow was faithful to God but still suffered oppression. The unjust judge had no sympathy for the woman. Day after day the widow haunted him. The woman was determined and persistent. She caused a great annoyance to come upon the judge. Men always ought to pray and not lose heart. When life doesn’t make sense we must remember this. Let us not be discouraged even if God takes a long time. Let us persevere. God will avenge. He will even the score and watch out for us. The elect are those who persevere in faith. God calls His elect to Himself. The predestined are those that are chosen by faith in Christ. Everyone who has faith is a child of Abraham. Persistence shows the faithfulness and mercy of God. The weapon of the widow was ceaseless prayer. God gives mankind an opportunity to turn to Him. God bears long with us and gives us an opportunity to repent. God will avenge His elect “speedily” and unexpected. God will intervene and aid His people. Not “quickly,” but “speedily.” God permits suffering long after we pray to Him. In the Lord’s time the prayers of the elect will be answered. God will move and be swift in judgment, but we must wait on God’s time. God will avenge His elect. Those that refuse the mark of the Beast will have victory over the Beast. These are called “chosen” and “faithful.” No one is predestined for Hell. God will justify those who live by faith in Him. Those who endure to the end will be saved. Some will depart from the faith in the end. Narrow is the way. Many are called but few choose to follow. We must continue to walk by faith in Christ and not by sight. Are you walking by faith? We must walk by faith or we will not enter the glory of God.

Click here to listen: Walking By Faith

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