Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Good Shepherd

The way of salvation is not closed to us. If we knock the door will be opened. God is willing to forgive all who come to Him. If a sinner comes the way God has shown we will be forgiven. God invites us to accept Him as the Lord of our lives. God simply knocks and gives us the power to respond to His knock by grace. He does not force us but we may resist His drawings. We could be regenerated, restored, and made new that we may love Him freely. If a person desires to enter where God is they must enter through Christ. He is the only door into God’s presence. It is only through faith in Christ that the door is opened. Many refuse God’s way of salvation and try to climb up another way. The Pharisees were those who claim to know the way of salvation but refuse to go in themselves. There are Pharisees in every generation. Jesus is completely different from those that enter ministry to gain for themselves but do not feed the flock. Christ is the door. Only through Him can we enter into His kingdom. Everyone else is a thief and a robber. Jesus is the only door that opens up to green pasture. He brings safety, security, peace, and salvation. His pasture alone can satisfy our souls. The thief is the opposite of the Shepherd. Anyone who says there is another door is a thief and will lead many to destruction. Jesus is the great Shepherd; false shepherds are those who are not truly called. We must leave our lives in the hands of Christ. We must see God as greater than our troubles. We must continue believing in Christ. We must lay down our lives by faith and follow the Spirit and not the flesh. The question is who reigns in your heart? May we no longer be slaves to sin.

Click here to listen:The Good Shepherd

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