Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Hold Fast the Vision

Where there is no vision, the people perish. Opposition to the work of the LORD increases as the success of the LORD’s work increases. This was the case as Nehemiah and the Jews were successful at rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. The enemies of the Jews, such as Sanballat, began to mock the Jews. They sought to discredit them and destroy the work. They mocked both the Jews and the LORD. They told them the task was impossible. Often, the mocking of those who oppose the work of the LORD mock in the same way that the servants of the LORD are being tempted. But great works of God have very small beginnings. Nehemiah refused to forget the vision that God had given him even in the midst of temptations and mocking being brought against the work. The wall continued to be built because the people had a heart to work. Now the enemies of the LORD began to plan an attack. They turn to violence. Nehemiah turns to the LORD in prayer and sets a watch for the enemies of the LORD both day and night. Then the people of Judah begin to say the situation is impossible. They acknowledge they their strength is failing. Then many of the Jews begin to succumb to the fearful taunts of the enemies of the work and give in to their fears. They began to be tempted that something terrible and awful was going to happen outside of their control and God’s control. In times like this the LORD’s servants cannot give in to temptations and lose faith! God will bring His work to completion! We must remember that the LORD is great and awesome! Our God will fight for us! Do not lose sight of the vision, we must continue to faithfully labor and work toward its fulfillment.

Click here to listen: Hold Fast the Vision

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