Sunday, February 26, 2017

Looking Unto Jesus

Faith has been the source of every work of the Church. Faith grasps the promises of God and holds onto them. Faith is belief in God that forms the substance of our lives, which is produced through testing. If we endure on the path set before us we will have true and genuine faith through perseverance. One man with God is a majority. From one life of faith was born a multitude. This is true of men like Abraham who believed God for the impossible. Even when they did not receive what they hoped for they continued to trust God anyway. Abraham left behind his former security with confident expectation and anticipation. We must lay down what we want to pursue for what God is calling us to do. Moses refused the earthly comfort of Egypt for a heavenly reward. He refused to lay aside the call of God for the sake of himself. He died to his own goals and pursued God’s call on his life. We are told by the world to pursue secular goals, to make more money and live the American dream. We must die to all of this and live by faith and walk toward the fulfillment of the vision of God’s kingdom. The world promises deliverance but if we look to the world’s goals we will miss out the call of God. The world tells us it won’t work and it won’t be worth our time. Faith sees beyond all of this. We could give our lives to working more and making a lot of money. We could give in to the world’s goals and ambitions and lay aside the promise and the vision that God has given. Faith does not mean success. We must see as God sees, not as the world sees. What God offers is of real value. Do not judge yourself according to the standards of the world. We live for the kingdom that is coming.

Click here to listen: Looking Unto Jesus

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