Sunday, February 12, 2017

Cause Your Face to Shine

The world that Christ was born into was a world of darkness. The message of Christmas is that God came to give illumination and hope. A people in darkness were given a great light. It was a fulfillment of a promise to bring restoration and life. What we see in the Christmas message is the fulfillment of the promise. In our time we can only cling to having hope in God Almighty. There is no other hope today. Christ in us is alone the hope of glory. We must believe that God can and will do what He promised. We must walk in expectation and hope and God will bring hope to His own. Our hope is in Him. Our hope is that He will move in our world, our generation, and our families. We may feel the pressure of everything around us, but God will come and He will set us free. We must walk in expectant faith. The LORD will not cast us off forever. Even if He allows difficulty for a season the LORD will intervene. He will not be angry forever. Christ came as the promise of restoration and hope. We must remember the faithfulness of the LORD during times of trial. Because of His mercy God helps all those who walk by faith. Let us remember all that God has done that seemed impossible at the time. All that we face, God will make a way. When Christ was born He alone was able to satisfy those who longed for Him. We are to long for the coming of the Messiah in the way that the faithful did before the birth of Christ. May we long for His salvation and His grace that He would move in our lives and the lives of those around us. Christ came for restoration. He will make all things new. He came to bring hope. The hope of Christmas is the hope of restoration. There is hope of restoration by faith.

Click here to listen: Cause Your Face to Shine

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