Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Our Deliverer

God is the God of all comfort. He is the Father of mercies. He cares and encourages, consoles, and gives us the grace to persevere. It does not mean that we avoid suffering, but He gives us strength to go through the suffering. God comforts us in our tribulation so we could comfort those in trouble. God wants to comfort us and then He wants us to comfort others. We will all go through trials and suffering. But when we go through suffering we must remember that God is with us. Through trials we are given a testimony to share with others. The weight around our neck can launch us into ministry to others. God matches our suffering with comfort. Christ faced all the suffering that we go through. Christ became our perfect Savior by identifying with us in every way. There is confidence in His ability to deliver us. This is not escaping or avoiding suffering but by steadfast endurance. Through our endurance He will give us steadfast hope and through this hope we endure until the end. We are to be crucified to the world. Our only hope is in the cross and through this hope we become steadfast. God is our deliverer. The Apostles had a sentence of death upon them. God uses suffering to teach us trust and to stir consolation and comfort in others. Believers who suffer are not to become bitter or complain. We should be able to bear under suffering. One cannot share with others unless they have had the consolation in the midst of suffering themselves. We must encourage others that are facing suffering, we are to comfort, minister, and help one another. God uses suffering so we trust God to deliver us, we are to trust God to deliver us from daily suffering and trials.

Click here to listen: Our Deliverer

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