Tuesday, January 10, 2017

My Kingdom

Jesus was seen as a threat to the religious kingdom of the Jews. Therefore, He is accused of blasphemy and condemned to death. But then the same group of people refuses to enter into the Praetorium of Pilate because they were afraid that they would become defiled. The same group of people who had just spit in the face of Christ, beat Him, and struck Him with the palms of their hands! They were afraid they would be defiled, while the whole time they ignored the defilement in their own hearts. The Jews showed themselves to be in bondage both to the inward wickedness of their own hearts and the outward bondage to ceremonial law. They did not see that from within, out of the heart of men proceeded all the evil things that defile a man. They were in bondage and slavery but claimed to be free while living under the rule of an oppressive legalistic and ceremonial law. And the law was entirely unable to purify their hearts. The only way that one may be free is to be set free by Christ. One must be regenerated, justified, and adopted. But there is no hope of freedom or adoption outside of Jesus Christ, because true freedom is only possible when God makes one free by faith. Pilate, like the Jews, was trying desperately to hold on to his kingdom. But even in spite of these efforts it was slipping out of his hands. But the kingdom of Christ is not from here. It could not be found in the religious kingdom of Jews or the political kingdom of the Romans. Both of these kingdoms were coming to an end. But the kingdom of Christ will never end! We must continue to look by faith to the everlasting kingdom that will not pass away and not be destroyed.

Click here to listen: My Kindgom

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