Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Come Now and Let Us Reason

God sees the human population in rebellion against Him. All have turned away from the LORD. The sin of the first Adam has spread to all. It has caused a deep scarlet stain. It is our sin that God has a problem with. All sin deserves the wrath of God. Reason is supposed to come by divine light and revelation from the LORD. God wants us to reason with Him. Mankind must see his miserable and lost estate. The majority of humanity has been unable to reason what is the will of God our Creator. Sin has impacted everything. God has the right to enact justice upon the entire population. If you are willing to repent of your sins and turn to God through faith we can become as white as snow. Before we can understand the difference between sin, righteousness, and judgment, we must come to repentance. God gives all enough grace to come to repentance. It is the Holy Spirit that changes us and gives us power and gifts. Repentance may only last for a moment, but the transforming power of the Holy Spirit lasts a lifetime. The Christian becomes a habitation of the Holy Spirit. Then repentance goes on to a total change. With the Holy Spirit comes power and understanding. After we have been born of the Holy Spirit He does the work in us and transforms us. It is self-preference that keeps us from righteous decisions. Our heart is wicked above all things. Natural man’s reason is built on sand. That is why we must reason with God. Redemption is the price of release and to buy back. Redemption is through faith in Christ. There must be change. Sanctification begins and continues as we walk by faith. We must remain justified by faith and the work of the LORD will continue in us.

Click here to listen: Come Now and Let Us Reason

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