Tuesday, January 3, 2017

God Is My Goal

The only hope for mankind is repentance and to live with God as their goal. There are so many who seek to distract the people of God from their focus on Him. God is longsuffering because His mercy and because He wills for all to come to repentance. We must enter in to what God has called us to. We must see the goodness and mercy of God working. We must have a new mindset and vision. We must be wise and purposeful with our time. God is not slack concerning His promises. He is purposeful in His mercy. Time is running out. What the people hold on to will be burned up. Only that which is of God will remain. Be warned those who scoff and are forgetful! The Day of the LORD will come! The Day of the Dawning of Christ is ever upon us. Have hope that Christ will fulfill what He has promised. Those who have been awakened by the truth must respond to the call of God. We are to walk in love and in light. This leads to repentance and sanctification. We must be ready to enter our eternal home and allow Him to prepare us for this eternal home. We are to remain free of this world and its ambitions. Christ came to establish in our hearts: “God as our goal.” We must be separate and set apart with God as our goal. We must look for and hasten the coming of the Day of God and be ready when that Day comes. We should be looking for a new heaven and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Our only guarantee is this, not anything taking place around us. We must have vision for the coming kingdom. Do not let others pull you down to the earth. Do not forget your eternal calling. Let your works follow faith. Maintain an eternal purpose. Consider that the longsuffering of the LORD is salvation.

Click here to listen: God Is My Goal

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