Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Wrestling Before God and Not With God

We are to surrender entirely to God and obey His teaching. Christ spoke directly by the authority of the Father, His ways and thoughts were of Him who sent Him. The conflict is to know the doctrine; man must be willing to know the doctrine of God. There must be obedient submission. Every faithful believer will see the truth of Christ’s words, everyone who is of the truth will hear His voice. Every believer can know what God teaches when they come to the Truth. It comes from the LORD and not from us. This can be illustrated in the story of Jacob. He was born into a family of favoritism. He took the birthright and the blessing from his brother Esau. But the LORD saw something in Jacob He did not see in Esau. Up to the point of wrestling before God Jacob had operated in the flesh. Now he faces crisis. He became a cripple because he wrestled with the LORD. But at this point he willingly accepted God’s call, he obeyed and consecrated himself to the LORD, God protected him, and God blessed him. God has a distinct plan for each person’s life. God has a plan and purpose for everything He allows into our lives. God is not far away from any of us. God used Jacob to replace Esau and fulfill His purposes. The perfect will of God is to bring us to the greatest good. God desires the eternal happiness of us all. We must wrestle before God rather than with God. We cannot face all the struggles in our lives by ourselves. We are to be strong in the LORD and the power of His might. We must put on the armor of God and cast off the works of darkness. The evil day is the day of temptation, may God give us strength as we put on Jesus Christ by faith.

Click here to listen: Wrestling Before God and Not With God

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