Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Watch and Pray

The Scriptures have been given to us so we can continue to have the LORD prepare us for the life to come. Life creates a longing to depart and see what Christ has prepared for us. We should desire to see eternity. As we draw nearer to the LORD and walk closer and closer to Him we will not be consumed with the cares and worries of this life. All will pass away. We must not be too focused on building up our own kingdom. We are to lay aside every weight, anything that will keep us from the crown of life. We must not neglect godliness for the sake of the things of this world. Those who are not ready are distracted. We must watch and pray. We cannot fully pursue the world and live for the glory of God at the same time. We must respond to the Gospel message. This is the separation between those who are ready and those who are not. We must continue to walk by faith so God con continue to transform us by the power of the Holy Spirit. God does not promise us tomorrow but He promises us eternal life by faith. We must acknowledge that this life is passing away. We are pilgrims. The danger is that the Day of Judgment will come upon us when we are not prepared. May we be prepared and use the grace He has poured out to be ready. Do not be distracted, overcome, or overwhelmed by this life. God desires that we would be ready for this day. If we persevere by faith He will keep us and prepare us for this day. All things in the life are passing away. Let us strive by faith to be ready. Do not let the things of this world become idols. So many have given their soul in exchange for this life. God desires to separate our hearts from these things. God is preparing us by faith.

Click here to listen: Watch and Pray

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