Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Lord Shall Reign Forever and Ever

What is recorded in this passage is true worship. True worship exalts God for who He is and exalts the work that God has done. True worship focuses on the LORD and praises Him for what He has done. God has done this work to deliver the Israelites out of Egypt. He alone deserves all the praise and all the glory. The children of Israel simply had to stand still by faith and see the salvation of the LORD. They were told to hold their peace and remain silent. The LORD works on behalf and within individuals according to the response of each one to His grace. He dealt with the Israelites and the Egyptians very differently. To Israel He had become their strength, their song, and their salvation. To the Egyptians He had become a man of war. Pharaoh had hardened his heart and the LORD had hardened his heart even further. The cup of his iniquity was now full and the LORD would give no further restraining grace. Those who grieve the Spirit and resist the grace of God will become bold and presumptuous in sin and God will bring them to destruction. The end of those who rise against God is that they will be overthrown. They will be consumed like stubble. True worship focuses on God and praises Him for who He is. When we see God as glorious in holiness we will be reverent in praises. It is only when one has seen God and comes to know Him that one can truly worship Him in the reverence and awe He deserves. God’s saving work always begins with His mercy and His grace. And God will bring His saving work to completion! This is the covenant of the LORD that is based on faith. It is a conditional covenant based on faith. True worship draws attention to the LORD and leads others to fear Him.

Click here to listen: The Lord Shall Reign Forever and Ever

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