Sunday, December 4, 2016

Carry Out the Rubbish From the Holy Place

Hezekiah had become king after the death of his wicked father King Ahaz. The Kingdom of Judah had come to a very low place. Hezekiah was not willing to follow the ways of his father. His first step was not to build up his own kingdom. Instead, he sets out to do is undo what his father had done. His desire was for reformation. He had zeal for God and for the house of the LORD. He had a desire to undo all the wickedness that had been done. Before he could establish religious reforms he realized the individual lives of others had to be cleansed. Individual idols need to be cast out so hearts can be open to God. The people had turned their backs on the LORD. Hezekiah had made a decision to step out in faith and call for repentance. He steps forward to a place of leadership and maturity. He pledged to give his life to the LORD. What stirred and motivated him was the glory of God. We must make a covenant with the LORD and renew our consecration and our vows to the LORD. We must strive by faith toward what He has called us to do! God has called us to be agents of reform in our society and the Church. God has called us forward to this time and purpose. Hezekiah knew what God had called him to do. He was not going to listen to the voices of his day. He sought to know the heart of the LORD. It had to begin in the hearts of each one. A life of one faithful man stirs many around him to be awakened. It is the work of God to begin in the heart and then to spread to the rest of the people. This is the only hope for the Church and the nation. We are to humble ourselves, pray, and turn away from what hinders us. Do not limit what God can do through us by His grace.

Click here to listen: Carry Out the Rubbish From the Holy Place

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