Sunday, November 27, 2016

Have You Really Counted the Cost?

There is a banquet and you have all been invited, but one must open the door. God gave Christ that all who comes to Him may be saved. None will be turned away who come to Him. God calls sinners to repentance so they could be saved. We must step out of self and into faith in Christ. God’s purpose and desire is for all to come into His house. To be unwilling is to put self before God. God is not willing that any should perish. It is an invitation that we must accept. Only through faith in Christ could we be saved. We must not let the cares and the worries of this world overwhelm us. No society rises above its knowledge of God. This is why Christianity is on the decline in Europe and America. Mankind is on a path to reject the truth and put itself before God. The attitude of mankind will continue to exalt itself in pride. Secular humanism puts man first as is happening in America today. People make excuses instead of following God. We must remember that everything is on loan. Every person must decide after counting the cost if they will follow Christ or not. Many people even after responding to the Gospel refuse to give up self. Mankind was created to walk in the Spirit and not the flesh. Most of mankind is satisfied when we get what we want. But we are to love less all things compared to the LORD. We must not love anything more than God. We must give God command over everything. We are called to forsake all that we have, but are you willing? Even the righteous go through trials, but even this is according to the will of God. Will you go on and trust God? Have you counted the cost? Are you willing to follow Him? May we follow Christ all the way to Heaven by faith.

Click here to listen: Have You Really Counted the Cost?

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