Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Lord Your God Carried You

The spies and the people of Israel had lost sight of God and His promises. They had become focused on themselves and their own inability to enter the Promised Land. And they rebelled against the LORD. They complained in their tents. They came to false theological conclusions about who God is and about trials. They focused on their own inability to overcome. They listened to those who discouraged their hearts. And they focused on their difficulties and ignored the LORD. Complaining is often motivated by a lack of faith. They had forgotten the provision and providence of the LORD! Moses responds to the people and exhorts them to look to the LORD by faith! To look at the amazing works that God had done on their behalf! The LORD is the One who will fight for them! They needed to remember what He had already done! They needed to see in faith that HE will continue to do awesome works! He had sent the ten plagues! He had parted the Red Sea! And He had carried them through the wilderness. Every detail of their journey was planned before them; the path for them to walk on was set before them. God showed them every step they were to take. All they had to do was walk by faith. God had delivered them, carried them, and planned the path before them. As long as we walk by faith God will do all the work in us and through us. He will deliver us and He will carry us. He will plan the path before us and lead us through it. There is one condition for salvation: faith. There is one condition for damnation: absence of faith. Unbelief always leads to the sin of disobedience. Do not cast away your faith in the LORD! Do not draw back. But continue on in faith to the saving of the soul.

Click here to listen: The Lord Your God Carried You

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