Sunday, November 13, 2016

I Am Being Poured Out

There is nothing that shows our devotion to God more than being poured out. The life of the Christian is to be a life that is poured out and broken for others. It is God working through us; it is not something we do. God is longing for lives to be given to Him; our calling is to be given entirely to Him. We are to pursue being filled to the uttermost. We are to come into unity with one another. We are to be unified with Christ and one another. Do not fall into self-seeking, but focus on others. Do not seek to outdo one another, but ear with one another. We are to focus on others and not self. Let us die to selfishness and instead live a life for others. God seeks to do a work in us. We are to follow the example of Christ. The greatest purpose of our life is to serve. We are to let go of what we think we should be and take on the form of a servant. Christ lowered Himself, He emptied Himself, and He willingly became a servant. This is what it means to follow Christ! To follow the same example! None will know life unless they are united with Him. The life of Christ is the calling of the Christian. We are to be humble servants of all. God is inviting and drawing those who are in unity with Him to follow this example and walk in love as Christ did. To be a sacrifice to God as Christ was. Remain humbly surrendered to the LORD and allow Him to continue this work in you. To persevere in serving others, even when they are difficult. We must remain faithful and not grow weary.. God gives us all the grace we need. God is shaping and molding my life as I continue to walk by faith and to be used by Him. We extend the light of Christ into the dark world by our sacrifice!

Click here to listen: I Am Being Poured Out

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