Monday, October 31, 2016

The Life of Jesus

The life of Christ is to be duplicated by every believer. All will live a life of persecution and trial but will not be forsaken. Although the grace of God has been given to all, not all will come to faith. We must obey. Believers must not go back to willful sin. We must renounce the hidden things of shame. It is the light of God that shines on us and transforms us. The treasure is the Gospel. We find it in the face of Jesus Christ. We are earthen vessels and are easily broken. But we are to grow in grace to reflect Him. God recruits the service of fragile men, but God has purposed to use these vessels to show that the power is from Him and not from us. Christians will be troubled on every side and will face trials. But no matter how great the trials encountered, they are not beyond bearing. But we must have the presence and power of God in us. We are oppressed, squeezed, kept in a narrow place, and perplexed. But God saves us from despair. Sometimes we are troubled beyond what we can bear, but then God steps in. God never allows us to be overcome by despair. Our right bearing of these trials shows a testimony to others. To rightly endure trails brings one into an intimate relationship with Christ. Every time a Christian falls he rises up and he is never defeated. We must carry about the dying of Jesus. We must die to self and take up our cross daily. Christians die to self to live for Christ. When Christians die to themselves they show that Christ is in them. When we die to self others see the life of Christ in us. We must endure by faith. We must put on the new man! We must put on His suffering as He prepares to call us home one day.

Click here to listen: The Life of Jesus

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