Monday, October 24, 2016

I Bestow Upon You a Kingdom

The hour had come. Christ knew what was to come, and yet He is gripped by this fervent desire even in the midst of the realization of His coming suffering. He did not fervently desire the suffering. He fervently desires the kingdom. But He knows that He must suffer for the kingdom of God to come. It was the love of Christ that overwhelmed Him with this fervent desire. Christ speaks of the kingdom of God twice and it is clear that the focus of His desire is upon the kingdom and not the suffering. He is looking with fervent anticipation to the fulfillment of the kingdom of God. The disciples were to divide the cup of suffering among them. They were going to suffer, both to have the reign of Christ established within them, and for the reign of Christ to be established upon the earth. But what were the disciples focused on? Did they fervently desire the kingdom? Or was their focus upon themselves? Christ was calling the disciples to join Him in the establishment of His kingdom. Bu sitting among them was Judas who desired the coming of his own kingdom. Some time along the way Judas realized that following Christ would not fulfill his own personal dreams and desires. So he decided to betray Christ. And the conclusion of his self-seeking, betrayal, and desire for wealth and glory was the field of blood. Christ showed His disciples that they were not to seek for the establishment of their own kingdoms. There was no need to dispute about which was the greatest. Christ humbled Himself and was among them as the servant. We must continue to endure through His trials by faith. We must take up this cup and divide it among ourselves. And He will bestow upon us a kingdom.

Click here to listen: I Bestow Upon You a Kingdom

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