Monday, October 17, 2016

If I Have Not Love, I Am Nothing

There is a challenge in these verses. It is not about the sentimentality of these words. This is about Christians. Love is the greatest goal of the Christian life. We are to give our lives as a sacrifice for others. Through our death, life will come to others. Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies it will abide alone. We are to be nothing. This is the example of the bondservant from Scripture. There is no greater fruit of the sanctified life. Paul is not speaking of perfection in actions, but perfection of love. Even if our actions are imperfect, as long as they are done in love they will be pleasing to the Lord. Christianity is not for personal gain. Without love we are nothing. Our first thought must not be focused on ourselves. Our focus must be upon others. In our day men are lovers of themselves. We must endure in love, and God’s Word defines love. To know the love of God we must be nothing before God. Do not fall into a false understanding of love! Obedience without love is legalism. We must never lose sight of love. Because we have received Him, we love Him and therefore we obey Him. Love does not envy others; it is humble and counts itself as nothing. It recognizes the grace shown and shows grace to others. Christians give their lives to serve others. True religion will lead us to love others. It will lead us to self-sacrifice and self-denial. True love weeps over the sins of others. It bears all things that can be borne. It believes that God can bring good out of every situation. Love clings to God and hopes for better. It does not fall into fatalism. Let us walk by faith into this fullness of love. Love is the greatest.

Click here to listen: If I Have Not Love, I Am Nothing

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