Monday, October 10, 2016

What We Think Is Who We Really Are

Correct thinking requires a correct heart. The heart stores all the mind allows to be stored there. Out of the heart proceeds all sin, what we say results from what is stored in the heart. As we think in our hearts, so we are. We are responsible for what we think about. It doesn’t matter what we say, it matters what we do. We must allow God to take control of our thoughts. God places His peace in our hearts. We must enforce the truths that we believe. The proving process takes place every time we walk by faith during trials. Then God gives us peace that surpasses all understanding. We must continue to trust in the Lord with all our heart. We must acknowledge God to be first and foremost. We must cast down every thought and bring it into subjection to Christ. Every thought must be viciously brought down! What we think becomes who we are. We must conquer the enemies and remain in peace. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit to have our minds renewed by the power of God. Do not be anxious about anything. Do not base your success or failure on how you perform. We must leave all our cares at the feet and Christ! We must trust God and not ourselves. God fills the believer with peace as long as they do not seek to overcome anxiety in their own strength. We must allow God to guard our hearts and minds. Do not worry, it is the opposite of faith and leaves God out of our thinking. What we think about is what we become. We must hold to His Word as the final authority. We must rest our minds on God. Let us think upon what is noble, just, pure, and lovely. Meditate on the things that will make you like God. Then the God of peace will be with us.

Click here to listen: What We Think Is Who We Really Are

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