Saturday, September 3, 2016

Reborn by God

Elijah had just come through many trials and he had done many great miracles. But even after all this Elijah was taken by his fears and doubts. Elijah was brought to a place of quiet to hear God’s voice. Not only doing works out of religious zeal. The Northern Kingdom all around him was prospering economically, but it was declining spiritually. Elijah in the midst of this maintained an attitude of worship and testimony. He still heard the still small voice of God. Like Elijah, Nicodemus was doing everything he could to honor and serve God. But he came to the end of himself like Elijah. They both needed something they did not have. They had used up all their oil. Christ alone can restore everything to its created order. Their only hope is for God to make them new. You must give way to the still small voice and allow the Lord to speak to you. He will speak by His mercy and love. It is when we become aware of our failures and shortcomings that we ask God for new life. Life we did not have before. This is deep spiritual insight, not insight that is of the flesh. The natural comes first and then the spiritual. We must admit our limitations and inabilities. There is a time in each person’s life when we must realize our own personal insufficiency and find life in God. This is the “birth of the Spirit.” We can see evidence of regeneration by a change of life. Is God asking you, “What are you doing here?” or “How can this be done?” These are questions He asked Elijah and Nicodemus. Don’t try to figure it out intellectually. Surrender by faith and continue to walk by faith so God may do His work in you.

Click here to listen: Reborn by God

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