Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Cause Thy Face to Shine Upon Thy Sanctuary That Is Desolate

Do not refuse Him who speaks. We must not remain comfortable. A shaking must take place in us, as a great shaking is taking place all around us in our society and in the world. We need an awakening, a revival, that we may be the hands and feet of Christ. The people of the world are dry bones. There is desolation and despair. We need to speak life. Let us remember God and not accept what we see in the world as the new reality. Let us not ignore the means of grace such as prayer and the study of the Bible. We must be connected to God in vital reality and live in the reality of being connected to God. Daniel lived near the LORD. He was a man of prayer and God used him mightily. He could have become comfortable, but he was stirred up for the sake of the people. He did not want to accept what was taking place around him as the new reality. He was grieved that the people had accepted and accommodated to the Babylonian captivity. He turned to the LORD in prayer. He was grieved and he brought these things before the LORD. We need to stand in the gap on behalf of the people. We need to set our focus on the LORD and pray to the LORD. Where are those who seek His face? Where are those who are willing to pray? Where are the faithful? We need to seek God for what we lack in this hour. This world needs a demonstration of godliness. Love must be this demonstration. We must lay down our lives for those around us. We are reaping a whirlwind, but there is hope. We must set our faces to the LORD to intervene in all the situations that are going on around us. For our families, society, and world. We are to be priests and bring this all before the LORD. All of our hope is in the LORD.

Click here to listen: Cause They Face to Shine Upon Thy Sanctuary That Is Desolate

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