Saturday, August 27, 2016

An Heir of My Mountains

Isaiah is drawing his prophecy to a close and in these closing chapters he describes a very different destiny for two very different groups of people. Isaiah speaks during a time of imminent judgment and for many it is a time of confusion because people do not understand why events are taking place around them. Others wonder why He does not work and move in their midst in the same way that he had in the past. The answer to why God is restrained and why He is holding His peace is because of wickedness, rebellion, and sin of the people. God had stretched out His hands in invitation and plea but the people had turned to their own thoughts instead. Even in their worship they disobeyed the Lord’s commandments. And yet they still believed they were holier than others. God will move and do a work, but it will be a work of judgment. He will repay, even into their bosom. But even in wrath the Lord will remember mercy. The Lord will not destroy all of them. There will be a remnant. God will deliver His remnant, His elect, those who have sought Him. But those who do not answer His call, do not hear Him, and choose what is evil will be numbered for the sword and bowed down to the slaughter. But there is still time to repent. There is still hope in these last days. But the only hope is that God will create a new heaven and a new earth. Our only hope is to look with faith and hope to the Kingdom that is to come. The Lord will rejoice in Jerusalem and in His people that have been recreated by His grace! The effects of sin will be erased. The elect shall not labor in vain! What God has promised will come to pass! Let us rejoice by faith no matter what is taking place around us!

Click here to listen: An Heir of My Mountains

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