Saturday, September 10, 2016

Behold I Make All Things New

These visions of John are a reminder that the dismal condition of the existing world must be seen in relation to the promise of the condition in which it will be when God’s redemptive work is finished. In this passage we come to the climax of the visions given to John as the Book of Revelation. The new heavens and the new earth are a complete reversal of the whole history of sin. A new beginning is made, which corresponds with the new creation of the resurrected life of the Christian believer. It is to be made new in quality, not simply meaning something that is recently made. All the former things will be done away, that all may become new. God does not will to do only a partial work! God does not leave His work unfinished or incomplete! This is true both in His work of making Christians new and making all of creation new. At this time the effects of sin will be completely done away with and will pass away when God makes all tings new. Then the New Jerusalem will come down from heaven. This is a type and a symbol of the true Church of God and the establishment of the rule of the saints. We enter the New Jerusalem by faith and obedience to the call of God. By seeking a city whose builder and maker is God. What is the source of our confidence? We must trust in the One who sits upon the throne and has the power to make all things new! He alone is true and faithful! His work is finished! But do we thirst for Him? It is those who overcome that shall inherit all things. We overcome by entering into what Christ has done! Because He is the conqueror! And we enter into His victory through faith! And then we become conquerors by His power and overcome by His grace!

Click here to listen: Behold I Make All Things New

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