Monday, August 22, 2016

What Do We Do In Perilous Times?

There is a need to discern the signs of het times. God calls His people in every generation to take a stand. We must be fit, ready, and have confidence. We must not live careless lives like the rest of society. We must remain alert, awake, and ready to respond. Be assured that perilous times will come. Do not think it strange. Our society has become increasingly wicked over time, men and women become more selfish over time. Generation after generation moves further and further from the truth. Hope is only found in Christ! But many have a form of godliness but have not been transformed by the Holy Spirit. The message of the cross has been trampled upon by our society. People desire to be teachers but do not want to be taught, they will not come to the knowledge of the truth because they do not want to know the truth. Many resist and oppose the truth. These will be times of persecution and opposition to truth, but God remains sovereign over all and He will work all things together for good. God’s purposes of redemption will go on. Paul calls Timothy to remember that God delivered him out of persecution. Do not be anxious! God will bring us through! Walk by faith in the midst of the storm. God will lead His people through the storm. Keep your eyes upon Christ. Our hope is not in the moral improvement of society or in political or religious leaders. We must continue in what we have learned. We must continue to stop out in faith and keep our eyes on Christ. Do not fall into fear! Do not be alarmed, discouraged, or afraid. We must keep our eyes upon Christ. Christ is everything and He must remain everything. Fix your eyes on Jesus and continue in what you have learned.

Click here to listen: What Do We Do In Perilous Times?

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