Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Grasping for the Wind

The effort of the natural man to overcome in their own flesh has led to their utter ruin. Most think the more they get the more secure they will become. Our life cannot be based on ambitions and desires! Personal happiness and enjoyment must not be placed first in our lives; it will lead us away from God. God desires people to come to Him and become one with Him. All who go on by faith will become like Him. Do not fall into the trap of living for self and loving the world. King Solomon fell into this trap. After having all the world had to offer Solomon came to the conclusion that all was vanity. Focusing on this world keeps fruit from ever coming to maturity. Only a life built on God will endure the coming storm. We must not allow ourselves to be consumed with even lawful things. Do not set your mind on earthly things! Security based on anything other than the mercy of God is passing away. Solomon fell from grace because he lusted after women and they became idols to him. He forgot the commandments of the Lord and allowed his life to come out of order. How can we avoid the fate of Solomon? We are responsible for the affections of our hearts. We must regulate the treasure of our hearts. Every treasure must be based on God’s Word because our hearts must be trained, exercised, taught, and guided. Only God’s Word can train our hearts. We must seek first the Kingdom of God. We must not worry about tomorrow. We must take each day as it comes. God will be the same loving Father tomorrow as He is today. We must all be about our Father’s business. Our main work and purpose is to believe and go on believing. This is abiding in Christ.

Click here to listen: Grasping for the Wind

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