Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Christian Life

The proof of the Christian life is in the fruit, not in what we are like we originally come. A person must come in repentance and faith. When one comes to God they are giving up their former ways. One must leave behind their former ways and put them to death. The Gibeonites represent the majority of people before they come to Christ. When we come to Christ God makes us new. We become a new creation. The Christian life is purged and made new by faith. Gibeonites are those who humble themselves and put faith in God because they acknowledge there is none greater than Him. Israel represents those who have already entered into a Covenant with God through faith. There must be a sacrifice, there must be atonement, and there must be faith in Christ. The Canaanites are the depraved. They are consumed with carnal desires and passions that must be destroyed. We must put the will of God first and by grace all these Canaanite attributes must be put to death. We must persevere by faith for this to take place. Gibeonites were different from the Canaanites. They were afraid of God and they saw something in Israel they wanted. The Gibeonites came in the wrong way, but why they came was not wrong. They were a type of new believers who come to God. They wanted to appear to be something they were not. God answers every penitent individual by making them His servants. When we are faithful with a little He will give us more. We must be renewed in the Spirit of our minds to be transformed from being who we are when we come to God to those He wills to transform us into. Are we faithfully serving and ministering to God? God desires to make all of us His children, even if we start as Gibeonites.

Click here to listen: The Christian Life

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