Tuesday, August 9, 2016

An Eternal Inheritance

Esau was willing to sell his birthright for a temporary relief and for the things of this world. Esau gave up being in the line of the Savior for the things of this world. He lost the vision. Esau valued the earth and did not value anything more. We must not become only focused on the temporal life; we must not be over-burdened and distracted by this life. People become so consumed with things of this life; we must not become consumed by the temporary things of this world. We are to be in the world but not of the world. So many show such little concern for others because they are so consumed with the things of this world. What you are fixed on will be your treasure. Where your treasure is your heart will be. Do not sell your birth right for the things of this world; we must know the rest of faith. Keep a single eye on the Father; do not be distracted by the things of this world. Do not be dragged into the earthly, sensual realm, we must fight and battle against this every day! We cannot serve two masters. We cannot serve both fear and faith. We cannot live in fear, doubt, anxiety, or worry. Worry cripples faith and pulls us down to the earth and way from God, it is the opposite of faith. The things of this world cannot become the dominating factor in our lives. God alone will support us. God is divinely ordering all things. Let not your heart be troubled. Will I give up the heavenly vision to focus on the things of this world? We can either be wholly engrossed in the now or we could continue to seek our heavenly country. Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. Do not worry about tomorrow and do not allow the things of this world cloud your vision of eternity.

Click here to listen: An Eternal Inheritance

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