Sunday, July 31, 2016

Yet I Have Set My King

The Psalmist asks the same questions that many Christians are asking today, as the culture is growing increasingly hostile toward God and His created order. In a culture that is growing increasingly hostile toward Jesus Christ and the Gospel. In a culture that is growing increasingly hostile toward Biblical truth and anything related to a biblical worldview. We have reached a point where there is rebellion against every aspect of the will of God and against every truth written in His word. The nations, the people, the kings, and the rulers are going to war against God! They are plotting! They are raging! They are setting themselves! They want to break off the restraints put upon them by God and His Messiah! They hate being in subjection to God, under the authority of God, and living in obedience to the will of God. They despise and hate the Word of God! They are in rebellion against the commandments of the Lord and the truths of His Word. David faces a choice about how he is going to react to this rebellion. David decides to look away from what is going on around him and look to the LORD who sits in the heavens. God does not fear when this rebellion takes place! God does not lose His peace! God has not lost control of the world! God laughs at this rebellion. The purposes of the Lord will not be overthrown! God goes calmly forward in the execution of His purposes. God speaks to the rebellious nations and causes them distress. Hoping that this will bring them to repentance. But His final answer is that He has set His King. Their raging and plotting does not matter. Because God has established His King and there is nothing they could do to alter or change that.

Click here to listen: Yet I Have Set My King

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