Thursday, July 28, 2016

Separate Me From This World and Sanctify My Life For You

The way of life and the way of death are set before us. We are all given a choice and a decision. The way of life is separation from sin and from the world. It is the narrow way that involves surrender. We must live and walk the narrow way. We must enter and remain upon this narrow way; this is the one way of holiness. We must be willing to take this way. It is more than an altar call or an emotional response. Often the true way is lessened so more people respond without counting the cost. So many people claim to respond without truly counting the cost. We only become disciples through complete surrender to Christ. The path to Heaven is narrow, but the way of death is broad. We must remain upon the narrow path. Diligence is needed to enter life. We must remain joined to Christ at every cost. This is a daily event. We must walk by faith in the narrow way. We must discern and study to come to an understanding of the truth and build a solid foundation. Our spiritual health depends on this. We must examine what we meditate on. Does it produce fruit in our life? We must receive the love of the truth. There must be truth in the inward parts. Many in the Church do not receive the love of the truth and therefore God sends them strong delusion. There is no other way that God has ordained. It is the way of holiness and sanctification. We must live the way Christ has taught us to live. We must build upon a solid rock and cast everything else to the side. Uproot everything not of Him. We must cast ourselves upon the mercy of Christ, again and again. May we yield our life to Him everyday, that we may be sanctified to the Lord. Let us not give this up for anything.

Click here to listen: Separate Me From This World and Sanctify My Life For You

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