Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Let Us Follow Jesus

Jesus says, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” Keeping the commandments of God are not pushed on us, nor are they something we fabricate ourselves by an increasing self effort. We must keep the commandments by love. The sole condition that enables us to do and keep what God has spoken to us is love. Love is the fulfillment of the law. The presence of love in our heart is the law being actually fulfilled. The biblical definition of love excludes self. It cannot be worked out by us and must be deposited by another source and that source is the Holy Spirit. A person who has not been regenerated does not have the Holy Spirit. God’s abiding inward presence empowers the believer to keep His commands, go on learning the standard of truth and remembering what they have learned. Only the new birth can give a person life. There are many who have entered the four walls of the Church but have yet to enter into the abundant life of Christ. Christians are new creations. They will boast only in the cross of their Lord Jesus Christ. The world and all of its attractions have been crucified to them and they to the world. They do not even trust in their religion, but in their Savior alone. Christians are alive because Christ lives in them and for no other reason! Jesus then speaks of a fuller revelation and of a greater power to be given to His disciples as they continued to faithfully follow Him. This power is the Holy Spirit that is given in greater measure as one follows Christ by faith. The Spirit comes in sanctifying power to purify our hearts by faith! The greatest gift any one can receive is the gift of the Holy Spirit. Christians are made joint heirs through faith in Christ.

Click here to listen: Let Us Follow Jesus

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