Tuesday, July 12, 2016

On to Perfection

The writer to the Hebrews is calling all Christian forward, he is calling all Christians to leave the elementary principles and go on to perfection! There is no other direction in the Christian walk but the way forward! To move backward is to move toward apostasy. The foundations of the Christian life are repentance from dead works, faith toward God, the doctrine of baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection from the dead, and eternal judgment. The writer to the Hebrews tells his audience that by this time they ought to be teachers but they need someone to teach them again the first principles. They were not recent converts. Nor was it the first time they were hearing these things. But instead of moving forward they were still only taking in milk. They remained unskilled babes. The Christian faith must be understood by reason of use. One must experience the Christian life. One must experience the Christian life being worked out in them. As one walks by faith they will actually see, hear, taste, smell, and feel the working out of these truths in their daily lives. It must not remain cerebral and conceptual! It must become experiential! But if one willfully refuses to live by faith and refuses to believe in the promises of God and refuses to move on from the basics of the faith they will remain babes on milk! And this may become an endless cycle! We must go on to perfection! This does not mean a static, still, immobile, and motionless state where there is no possible improvement. It means the best possible state at any give time in a dynamic, lively, and continuous, process of growth! Let us receive by faith now perfecting grace. And let us go on to perfection.

Click here to listen: On to Perfection

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