Wednesday, May 18, 2016

To Release Those Subject to Bondage

We can become slaves of worry and fear if we give into them and come under bondage. Bondage is the result of giving ourselves to something. We must trust in Christ now to be free! Do not remain in bondage to your heritage and the way that you used to believe. Jesus came to people who were willingly bound. Christ has come to free you from all bondage. Are you willing to depart from the thoughts that you are in bondage to? Set your mind towards what you have heard that is true. Don’t let these things pass by. Do not lose sight of God. We must heed what we have heard. We must not neglect so great a salvation. Do not settle for anything less. The answer is before us. If we would see Christ in all of His fullness the freedom will be ours! We must not allow our thoughts to become greater than God! Do not neglect the truth. God will lift us from this place if we trust in the LORD. He will set us free, but we must trust in Him. Christ is over all things; there is nothing that is not in subjection to Him. We have nothing to fear! God has sent Christ to restore us again. Christ has triumphed over all things in the cross and by faith we may enter into all He has done! Christ was crowned and He has dominion over all things. May we see Him, as having this dominion by faith, there is nothing that He has not conquered! He was made the complete, atoning sacrifice for all our sins. We must enter by faith into what He has already completed. May we see Him and enter into His victory. Christ came to destroy the work of the Devil in us and in the world. Christ has conquered Hell and death! May we see the triumph of Christ in this life and the life to come!

Click here to listen: To Release Those Subject to Bondage

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