Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Lord Our Righteousness

This word from the Lord came to Jeremiah during the eleventh year of the reign of King Zedekiah. It was the year 586 BC, the last year of the Kingdom of Judah. Later that year the Chaldeans under Nebuchadnezzar would burn Jerusalem and destroy the Temple. The siege had already begun. The Lord reminds Jeremiah that no matter what the situation is God is omnipotent, sovereign, and the governor of the universe. Nothing has happened that the Lord did not allow. Nor will anything happen that the Lord will not allow. The Lord reminds Jeremiah that when he calls to Him He will answer and show him great and might things! God is working all things together for good for those that love Him and are called according to His purpose! The people of Judah have done everything they could to defend themselves against the Chaldeans but they will fail. This is because the Lord is against them! But in the same way that Lord has stretched out His hand against Judah to fulfill His purpose in punishing their sin He will also restore them as well! The Lord who tears is the Lord who heals! The Lord who strikes is the Lord who binds! After a time of chastisement and judgment the Lord will restore both physically and spiritually. When the people turn to Him in repentance and faith He will pardon and cleanse them! Jeremiah sees visions of desolation and restoration! The desolate streets of Jerusalem filled with the song of the bride and the bridegroom. He sees the desolate filled again with the song of praise to the Lord! May we not focus on the silence of desolation but see in faith the restoration of the Lord! Return to the Lord and He will restore you! He is THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS!

Click here to listen: The Lord Our Righteousness

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