Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Lord Was Ready to Save Me

We are overwhelmed by disappointments and trials but we must hope in the LORD. We are called to move forward and progress by faith. We must not lose heart in our jobs, relationships, and ministries. We must not become cynical. We must learn to live by faith. People want everything now, but the road of faith is a long road. There will be constant changes and challenges on the way. We must not lose heart; we must remain walking by faith. Do not lose heart; the purposes of God will come to pass. We cannot fear the experiences of life or the storms that will come. We must learn to rest in the LORD. We must call truth to memory and allow the truth to become a reality in our lives. There is a process that needs to take place and a rest of faith that is available to all. God allows struggle and trial to come so we are not at ease. We must not lose sight of the vision. We can only find victory by faith in the midst of struggles and trials. It is only in times of frustration and bewilderment that we may learn these things. God visits us in the seasons of trial so we learn not to live on bread alone but in dependency on the LORD. We must walk in remembrance of what God has done. Many experiences will come, but the LORD will restore us and make us live. When all else fails the LORD will sustain us! It will only come from the LORD. Trials are purposed to separate from our hearts what would separate us from God. Trials purge our dependence on the flesh so we could walk by faith in the LORD alone. We must be brought low first so we can see the LORD alone, so we can learn to not live by bread alone. We must look to Him to do this by faith. Do not trust in the things of this world.

Click here to listen: The Lord Was Ready to Save Me

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