Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Because of the Prophets

Jeremiah looks out over the moral desolation of the Kingdom of Judah and comes to the conclusion that the deplorable moral condition of the land was because of the prophets. Unlike these false prophets Jeremiah had seen the LORD, he knew the LORD and he knew the holy words of the LORD. The people had become spiritual adulterers, the LORD had removed His blessing and the pleasant places had been dried up, and a curse had come upon the land. The corruption, defilement, and pollution of the prophets and priests have led to the corruption, defilement, and pollution of the house of the LORD! And this is primarily in the area of false teaching and doctrine; any errors in teaching and doctrine will always lead to errors in living! If there is corruption, defilement, and pollution in the house of the LORD then corruption, defilement, and pollution will increase in society. Beware of those who refuse to preach the whole counsel of God! Beware of those who are constantly speaking smooth words full of flattery and praise! These are those that will lead you on a slippery and dark path, and will eventually lead to your fall. Do not heed the words of anyone who speaks from their own heart and does not speak from the Word of God! If anyone ever tells you that they have a dream, revelation, or oracle from God for you that does not align with the Word of God do not hear them! A true prophet will never contradict with their mouth the mouth of the LORD! God sees all things! God sees the ministry of the false prophets! God sees the ministry of the true prophets! None can hide from Him! May we speak God’s Word faithfully!

Click here to listen: Because of the Prophets

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