Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Tabernacle of David

In this chapter the prophet speaks against the idolatry at the altar in Bethel. He announces that the idolatrous worship is about to come to a violent and sudden end. And no matter where the people may try to hide they will be unable to escape the judgment of the Lord! God has determined to set His eyes on them for harm and not for good. This is because they had refused to obey the Lord and instead had lived in perversion and wickedness! They had lived this way in spite of all the Lord had done for them! In spite of all the blessings the Lord had poured out upon them! Therefore the Lord will punish them for their iniquities. But even in judgment the Lord is seeking to draw the people to Himself. He is seeking to draw them to repentance and restoration. How will we respond to the chastisement and drawing of the Lord? The people refused to repent because they were holding onto false security. They were trusting in past experiences. But they were not currently living in faith and obedience to the Lord. There is nothing in the fact that we have received the grace and mercy of God in the past, but it is how one is currently living now in light of the grace and mercy of God! The sinful kingdom is made up of all who refuse the grace and mercy of God and persist in rebellion against Him. God has decreed that the sinful kingdom will be destroyed. But even the smallest grain of faith shall fall to the ground! Those that are in faith will not be destroyed! They will dwell in Christ, the Tabernacle of David! And God will pour out spiritual blessings of grace and abundance upon them! They will live in spiritual liberty in Christ! And they will be secure in Christ by faith.

Click here to listen: The Tabernacle of David

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