Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The King's Enemies

David had many external enemies, but he had many internal enemies as well. Each of us faces these enemies everyday and they seek to steal our crown. The Devil works through impressions of the mind. We are not to listen to the Devil as Adam and Eve did. Disobedience will exclude us from Heaven as it did to our first parents. We must not do what we want instead of obeying the Lord. We must turn and live to a place of grace, joy, and goodness. God calls us back again and again. We must believe and no longer be misled and allow God to restore you! Do not let anything turn you away from faith. We must not go our own way; we must walk by faith and obedience. Are you willing to be humiliated to show that God is right? All false thinking must be uprooted and done away with. Every believer’s greatest enemy is Satan. We must not doubt God; we must not listen to the suggestions of Satan. We must put our faith and trust in Christ to have perfect peace. We are not exempt from trial and proving. It is better to be refined now then to be cast into the fire of judgment! We must beware of the pride of life. David fell into this trap. He was deceived by self-satisfaction and this gave him pride and independence. He had a sense of personal importance. We must also beware of the lust of the flesh. Do not pamper your appetites and indulge. Do not let your personal desires dictate to you so that you become dependent on the things of the world. We must also beware of the lust of the eyes. We must only look at what the Lord wants us to see. Our eyes must be single. Do not open your eyes to other influences! Do not lose your fellowship with God for anything in this world.
Click here to listen: The King's Enemies

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