Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Turn to Me With All Your Heart

Joel is most likely the earliest of the Minor Prophets. He prophesied during a plague of locusts. God raised up Joel for a reason, to call the people to repentance. He called upon the people to make a decision. He preached to the people to keep and follow the command to love the Lord. All Christians must be fully resolved to keep God’s commandments. Respond when God speaks! Turn to the Lord with all your heart, humble yourselves and repent for withholding any part of your heart from the Lord. We must be broken and contrite before Him! We must tear the inner man. Rend your hearts and return to the Lord by faith. Beware of having a careless attitude. God is gracious and slow to anger. He relents from doing harm and does not enjoy judgment and destruction. This call comes at a cost. The Church in our time focuses on the outward and ignores the inward. The Church is a reproach as long as it does not take seriously the call of the Lord. The people must show their seriousness and desire for the Lord. When the people turn to the Lord He will respond to them. If God’s people respond, pray, and seek God’s face they will be restored. God heals and mends! Do not become distracted and comfortable or settle for anything less! God calls us to rise up in faith. Trust God for something greater. Perfect love prepares us for judgment and death. Fear not! God has not given us a spirit of fear. We must lay our fears down and turn to God once and for all. Once you were in bondage but now you are free! All the former things will be made new. May we labor to know God living by faith and love! May we know Him and see His work around us. Turn to Him with all your heart.

Click here to listen: Turn to Me With All Your Heart

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