Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Mercy of Our Lord Is From Everlasting to Everlasting

Bless the Lord. The word bless as applied to God, means to praise, implying always a strong affection for Him as well as a sense of gratitude toward Him. This love arises from one who is walking in humility and in faith, one who acknowledges the work of God and does not ascribe anything to self. If we do not realize and acknowledge what God has done, we will not be able to whole heartedly bless Him. We need to acknowledge that God is the One who does the work. As we bless God and see Him moving in our life, our love for Him will increase. Those who gratefully love God will bless God. Let us not be too busy to witness what the LORD does around us that we may bless the LORD.

We are also called to love and obey Him. Those who do not bless Him will also not obey Him nor will they truly love Him. He calls us to remember what He has done. God releases us from slavery to obey Him. God forgives us of our sins, He heals our diseases, and provides for our needs. His mercy is high and great. Nothing can be higher or greater. It is given to those who fear (reverence) and obey Him. Therefore, let us submit to Him and acknowledge that He is God. Let us bless the Lord.

Click here to listen: The Mercy of Our Lord Is From Everlasting to Everlasting

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