Wednesday, April 20, 2016

I Have Set Before You an Open Door

There is a time when the people of God have an open door set before them and they could cross over and enter in. God sets an open door before every generation. This open door is the finished work of Calvary. We can no longer draw back! We must press on and possess the land! God has opened the door to maturity, strength, and faith. Now is the time to enter in by faith! The way has been opened; the Accuser of the Brethren has been cast down. Do you want to be made well? God had brought the people of Israel to the entrance of the Promised Land for a second time. The first time they refused to enter so they were brought through years of refinement, trial, and purification in the wilderness. God has purified them of their former lack of faith. God reminds them at the border of the Promised Land of all that He had done. But it comes down to a trial of the will. Are they willing to enter in? We must remember what God has done and enter in by faith! We must be free of our self-sufficient attitude! We must live by faith and completely depend upon the Lord! To live by faith is to acknowledge that God is our only provision. We must come to Him in weakness and humility! The land that the Lord has promised is a land of provision of all things they need. They will lack nothing. But even in this there is a danger and a warning. Be sure to bless the Lord and do not forget. Remember what the Lord has done and do not forget His works. God is working in us through what we face. Remember the times of refinement, trials, and failings. Do not go back to the former ways! When we set up an altar of consecration we must not forget. Walk by faith in the victory that the Lord has granted.

Click here to listen: I Have Set Before You an Open Door

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