Wednesday, March 23, 2016

In Remembrance of His Mercy

The background of the Christmas story is a time of of darkness, silence, suffering, oppression, and bondage. The people of Israel were under the oppressive rule of the Roman Empire under the authority of King Herod. But in those days God was at work. God always keeps a remnant even in the darkest of times. Mary and Elizabeth were among the remnant of their time that God was using to fulfill His purposes. Both of these women were being used in God’s plan, design, and purposes for the salvation of the world. God used these women because they were filled with the Holy Spirit, they were humble, they believed, and they were willing to be used by God. They were not used on account of any external reasons. They were ultimately willing to believe that with God nothing would be impossible. Mary was used because she magnified the Lord and not herself. Mary knew that this was all a work of God and not herself. All Christians must magnify the Lord and declare the greatness of His name! The work that takes place in the life of every Christian is because the Holy Spirit comes upon us and the power of the Highest overshadows us! And that is how Christ is birthed in the believer! Mary rejoiced in God, not in herself. She rejoiced in spite of her situation and this took faith. God regarded her lowly estate and she submitted to His will and believed that what had promised would be fulfilled. This is the story of salvation from beginning to end. He who is mighty has done great things! And holy is His name! God is not indiscriminate in His mercy. It is given to those who fear Him. God shows the strength of His arm and humbles and exalts based on the reception of the heart to grace.

Click here to listen: In Remembrance of His Mercy

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