Wednesday, March 16, 2016

I Will Not Hold My Peace

The heart of God is restoration and revival. Isaiah is speaking of a time of darkness. When the people of God have been carried away into captivity. But in the midst of this God has a remnant, their captivity will end and their Messiah will come. Great breakthroughs come after times of great darkness. There is a time coming when God will move for the glory of His Name. There is a promise of restoration. Arise and be established! Isaiah is speaking the heart of God to the people. He will not rest and he will not be idle to do what God has called him to do. He longs for God to revive His purposes. He sees a Church around him that does not care. God’s heart is to rise up His people and establish His bride in the earth. Do not cling to the former! God will do a work of restoration! God will revive His people when they fully turn to Him. In the dark moments we must trust Him. If there had been no separation there is no need for a restoration. Israel had departed from God as the Church has done largely today. That is why God has raised up watchmen! To call the Church back to its first love! The hour has come for an awakening in the Church. The time for silence has passed. We are all to be watchmen. All believers are to do the work of the Lord and become active in their faith. We are commanded to grow in full stature! We must be serious about our commitment to God and the Church. We must be stirred and awakened. God has sworn to do this work in us if we would trust Him by faith! There must be a preparation. God is zealous for His people and we must respond and persevere by faith. God has promised to renew and restore us! May we consecrate ourselves entirely to Him!

Click here to listen: I Will Not Hold My Peace

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