Wednesday, March 9, 2016

For Behold the Day is Coming

The prophet addresses a people who have been speaking harsh words against the Lord. They had begun to focus on the immediate and obvious results of their obedience to the Lord. They had kept His ordinances; they had walked as mourners before Him. Yet they saw no profit in it! They looked around and saw the sinful as more prosperous and blessed than themselves. It seemed as if the proud were blessed and those who did wickedness had been raised up. But Malachi notes that the Lord listens to those who fear Him! It is not useless to serve God! It is not in vain! Every day one walks in obedience to the Lord is written in His book of remembrance! We must look beyond the obvious results around us and see in faith that one day the books will be opened! We must not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. On the Day of Judgment it is only God’s special treasure that will be spared. God’s special treasure are those who have received the grace and mercy of God through faith. God will refine His special treasure. He will refine, purify, purge, and fashion them so they will be a pleasing offering. On the Day of Judgment God will discern between the righteous and the wicked. We cannot focus on the outward appearance of all we see around us. We must remember that the Day of Judgment is coming. God’s visitation has different results to different people. Some will be as straw when it comes into contact with fire. Others will have the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings! Christians must persevere in faith and obedience. They must cease from harsh words against the Lord. For behold, the Day is coming.

Click here to listen: For Behold the Day is Coming

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