Sunday, December 13, 2015

This Is the Heritage of the Servants of the Lord

Let all believers go on by faith and confidence in God. By faith all can enter into the completed work of Christ and may live by faith. Rejoice in the abundance of grace and hope! See beyond to what God can do as He moves all things according to His will. May we see with optimism and see the remnant that God is going to raise up. As one asks according to His will they will receive. We must embrace the truth by faith, faith that continues to believe, and faith that is current. May we see that there is something ahead! Prepare to receive the promised blessing, be ready for the blessing of God! May we not be bound by what we see! Do not limit God! God is greater and nothing restricts Him. Fear and shame will not be our inheritance. God will do something more in our midst. Come to God to be satisfied and restored. Do not refuse Him any longer. God chastises with a purpose. After judgment is revival and His wrath is only for a moment. The Scriptures speak of a greater and enduring work! Do not be afraid! He has come to heal us and to establish us! Enter into His blessings! God speaks of establishing and reviving His work. He will raise us up and restore us! No longer will we be forsaken and our righteousness will go forth as brightness. Our confidence must rest in God as our hope. He will do the work! He will lay the foundations! Our work and labor are not in vain. God is establishing a work in our lives and through us. No more fear because perfect love casts out fear! Cast down your fear! Rest your life in the confidence in God who establishes our salvation! Thanks be to God who gives us victory in Christ! Nothing holds us back but ourselves.

Click here to listen: This Is the Heritage of the Servants of the Lord

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