Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Therefore I Hope In Him

This is a prayer to the LORD by the prophet Jeremiah as he reflects upon the destruction of Jerusalem and the burning of the Temple. His reflection leads him to humble himself under the mighty hand of God. There is no better place to be during a time of trial or affliction than to be humbled before the LORD under His mighty hand looking to see what He wills to show and teach through the situation. Jeremiah makes it very clear that it is the rod of the wrath of God that has brought the people of Judah to this place. It has all taken place in response to sin and rebellion of the people. The entire calamity caused their hope and their strength to perish. It is from this place of humility and lack of strength and hope that Jeremiah finds hope. Jeremiah sees that all of this has come about not for their destruction but for their salvation! God is merciful and compassionate! God has an end and a purpose for the entire situation! The end intended by the LORD is the salvation of the people. This leads Jeremiah to wait on the LORD, seek Him, and look to Him as his portion! God chastises those He loves for the sake of their refinement and their sanctification. During times of chastisement we must submit to God by faith. God’s chastisement produces righteousness, holiness, and eternal life. We must submit, surrender, and consecrate ourselves to His ends and His purposes! He is worthy of our trust because He is perfectly just! He will never act contrary to His attributes! And God is Holy Love! God is the Potter and we are the clay. He will mar us in His hands and make us into the image of His son. Let us not resist His work but consecrate and surrender entirely to His work.

Click here to listen: Therefore I Hope In Him

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