Wednesday, December 16, 2015

No Excuse After Being Spoken To

This story is about those who are unwillingly ignorant of God’s truths and those who are willingly ignorant of God’s truths although they claim to see. The Pharisee claims to hear and understand God’s message, but they live on their own terms. They are not truly converted. They pretend through self-righteous works but do not have the Kingdom of God within them. The Pharisees refused to admit their need and had no excuse after being spoken to. One could either believe in truth or in lies. If a person is truly ignorant this individual is not guilty of sin. God is just and will never bring judgment upon those who have not had an opportunity. People are not condemned for what they cannot do, but only for what they can do. Many pretend to agree with the Bible but do not live and obey the Bible. The sins of people will not be pardoned when they are proud and self-confident. Walking in faith, prayer, and humility is the path of the Christian. Pride must not be tolerated! No matter how sanctified or mature we are we must see that Christ has accomplished the entirely of the work in us. We will never reach a state where we have arrived, or a place where we can begin to trust in self. We must have the attitude of the tax collector, not the Pharisee. Everyone who professes Christ, as Lord must walk in the resurrected life, now! There is no time not to walk in the resurrected life! No longer shame or fear! No excuse after being spoken to! Awake from sleep and arise from the dead! God has a new covenant for all who enter through faith. It is not an outward agreement, but an agreement from the heart based on love for God and a willingness to walk in His steps.

Click here to listen: No Excuse After Being Spoken To

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