Sunday, December 6, 2015

This Hope We Have

The desire of God is to establish a lasting and enduring work in all Christians and for this work to continue growing accomplished by faith. Hebrews is written to encourage Christians to go on by faith. Christians are to move on in all situations and endure even through dark times. We must exhort one another in the dark times that we live in. We must become united in a progressive vision and calling! The work has already been accomplished; we must enter in by faith into what Christ has done. It is time to no longer be immature but to go on to maturity. At a time when all things are falling away we must rise up and move on from here in confidence that God has greater things to come! God will help us in our time of need! There is no shame in confessing our need. We must humble ourselves to do this. Faith must become our own. We must not remain in a place of shallow understanding. We must live in expectation, not in the flesh. God will do this work if we go on by faith and perseverance. God has set before us an open door. What hinders us from entering in? Do not focus on self but walk by faith! Go ahead in expectation and faith! See that the chastening of the Lord is that we would be partakers of His holiness. May we see His smiling face behind a frowning Providence! We will not be destroyed but made pure. Let us trust our lives in His hands and allow Him to do as He chooses to do. It is His work and it will be done His way and by His means. Our opinions do not matter, only consecration matters. Cast down all self-confidence and self-dependence. God has promised to complete the work and He will complete us! Our anchor will hold! His oath and promises will not fail.

Click here to listen: This Hope We Have

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