Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Lord Has Visited His People

The days that are spoken of in these verses are days of lawlessness, days of suffering, and days of tragedy. Israel is in the midst of the time of the Judges and facing a constant cycle of sin, judgment, repentance, and redemption. After the death of her husband and her to sons Naomi decides to return to Israel from Moab because she has heard that the LORD has visited His people by giving them bread. God visits His people in both judgment and blessing. Naomi and her two daughters-in-law leave Moab and begin a journey to Israel. On the way Naomi pleads with them to turn back to their native land. Orpah decides to turn back and return to Moab because she sees that Naomi has nothing to offer her. But Ruth clings to her because she is clinging to the LORD. Ruth was willing to step out in faith and leave what was familiar to her so she could follow Naomi and follow the LORD. Naomi tries to convince her to return, but Ruth makes up her mind and resolves to follow Naomi. Ruth declares that the people of Naomi would be her people and the God of Naomi would be her God. Ruth, unlike Orpah, was willing to follow the LORD no matter what the cost. Unlike Naomi Ruth was looking at the situation with faith. She was anticipating what the LORD could do. After coming to Bethlehem Ruth “happens” into a field belonging to Boaz who was a potential “redeemer” of the family of Naomi. According to Hebrew Law Boaz could restore, revive, help, and redeem the family of Naomi by buying back all that was lost. Boaz fulfills the role of redeemer and so becomes a type of Christ. The LORD restores all that was lost by Naomi and the LORD has visited His people.

Click here to listen: The Lord Has Visited His People

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