Sunday, November 22, 2015

The False Theology of Jeroboam

All the promises God gave to Jeroboam were contingent upon his obedience. Yet Jeroboam chose to not obey the Lord and devise in his heart a revised religion for Israel. The human heart cannot be what determines our theology, religion, or worship! So much of what calls itself Christianity today is more of a reflection of the human heart than it is a reflection of God and His Word. If our hearts dictate to our theology and understanding of God’s Word we will very quickly stray from the Truth. Jeroboam decides to compete for the hearts of the people against God and invent a new religion. He wanted the people’s hearts after himself and not after God! So he makes two calves of gold and by doing so he mixes the imagery of Egypt with the imagery of the Temple to Jehovah. Jeroboam’s religion is based on a mixed theology of the world and God’s Word. But his image of God is corrupted and not a representation of God in His holiness. Jeroboam advocates for religion and worship that is appealing to the flesh. This is what the congregation of Israel does at the foot of Mount Sinai as well. They mix the religion of the world with the religion of Jehovah and create a religion that is appealing to the flesh by forming their golden calf. Jeroboam also sets up an unsanctified priesthood, which is a curse in the Church today as well. But God will not let this go on forever. He rose up a man of God to rebuke Jeroboam and illustrate the supremacy of the Word of the Lord over compromised religion. And this man speaks of Josiah who will be born and bring about reformation. This reformation would not be based on the dictates of his heart but on a covenant he had made with the Lord.

Click here to listen: The False Theology of Jeroboam

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